Saturday, November 12, 2011

Comprehensive care for the bride wedding season

To become the most beautiful bride the most prominent and regulations on weapons, in addition to choosing a pretty dress, a nice haircut, you should start paying attention to skin care is light, perfect!

1 month before the wedding:

Tip 1: This is the time the new bride to start to find a reputable Spa address to make the course of skin and body care. You may be busy for wedding plans, but should spend two hours in two to three days a week to go to skin care and make the weight loss data, in addition to keeping the skin Skin is ideal for the big day, you feel less tired by the pressure from the wedding preparations.
Tip 2: Essential oil therapy is an effective stress reduction. In addition, each week you should massage your body at home with a massage cream without conditions to the salon. Possible thanks to the virtues of your future husband, the massage for you and you also do it to him, not you and he will feel close and relieve pressure from the upcoming marriage, foster emotional love, but can also promote blood circulation, slimming effect. Before the massage, eat a banana is not a bad choice. Bananas are foods stimulate arousal, contains many minerals and fiber, as well as beautiful skin is rich in vitamin and supplement the energy lost when you make the process of fat reduction.
Tip 3: Fatty where the training focus to that area, you can practice sports coordination such as swimming, badminton, yoga ... can move to flexible, just 30 minutes a day patient, you will not care about his physique while wearing wedding dresses anymore.

20 days before the wedding:
It is time you should start scheduling for skin whitening.

Tip 1: Let's salon on a comprehensive plan to whiten their skin. Remember that you probably are allergic to cosmetics or chemical whitening, should be applied to try to please the arms and selection of the whitening materials with natural ingredients or herbs, but not effective grant period, but will be safe and also significantly improve skin tone.
Tip 2: The care and maintenance product white-depth currently rife throughout the cosmetics field. When using this product, you should go to the showroom prestige cosmetics for advice and options suitable to your skin. Preservation of cosmetic necessarily avoid direct sunlight shines on, when you use patience and regular use of the new effective date.
Tip 3: Keeping your skin moist is very important and necessary. Simply put, every day you drink more water, eat more fruit, sunscreen frequently and spend 3 minutes every morning and night moisturizer to the skin can cause it always soft.

15 days before the wedding:
As well as wedding photography festival, you had to do a lot of hair and use lots of chemicals. So the less hair soft and shiny. Let's embark on intensive care for healthier hair only!

Tip 1: Every day you should provide the necessary nutrients for the hair through a reasonable diet. Products rich in protein and minerals such as seaweed, sesame ... is essential. Also you should always take care of Hair 1 times / week from root to tip with tempering oils and hair oils.
Tip 2: All kinds of hair dye expensive though anywhere will damage your hair. So half months before the wedding you should be in a state of primitive hair, not raised, it should not cut her hair so short this time because it will make more difficult the bride hairstyle. If you still prefer to dye their hair, you can choose the base color such as red-brown, chestnut.
5 days before the wedding:

It is time for you to clean up the jungle on the arms and calves, to the wedding dress confidently as what was then open.
You can ask the advice of trusted salons, with the method of hair removal by laser light. At home hair removal by waxing wax method will quickly and the hair will grow back lighter and more sparse. However, you will have to bear the pain and irritation if skin hypersensitivity. Therefore, the bride has sensitive skin should be careful.

1 day before the wedding:

This time it is time to rest and relax yourself comfortable and beautiful day provided vu. But remember to take care of Nhe beautiful nails!
If you do not want to go to the salon or beauty salon to exfoliate, smooth nail, you can also use hot water and salt budget hand, gently rub the edges of the nail to remove dead skin . Then just apply a maintenance coat or pale pink nail color that you have to be a very elegant and nails!  


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