Thursday, October 27, 2011

5 drinks helps weight loss

Hard to believe but some drinks can also help people lose weight.
Body weight is of no little concern that you have oversized body. Growing fears that many women rush to cut rations, leading to many health implications. The following drinks will help you lose weight without suffering cum Khem.
1. Ice

You can burn 200 calories a day while drinking 8 glasses of ice water because your body will burn calories (or fat) to melt the ice and cold to warm them up to a temperature equal to body temperature you. The volume of calories burned (and your weight reduction) will increase gradually as you drink ice water daily.

A German study concluded that drinking about two glasses of water can promote the 30% metabolic process in your body. They also said that every day drink about 1.5L of water per day will help you lose weight quickly.

2. Milk

Calcium-rich milk. Besides the effect of strong bones, calcium also has the effect adjusted weight by increasing or reducing fat in fat cells. This does not mean you have to go out to regular exposure to sunlight and plenty of milk per day, but to drink milk is the best diet for you to maintain and ensure the health and reducing weight effectively.

The different studies for many different conclusions about the weight loss effects of milk. Accordingly, with the result that you can reduce from 30% to 50%, even 70% of body weight when you use regular milk.

3. Green Tea

One study showed that you can burn 35% to 43% fat when you drink from three to five cups of green tea per day.

4. Water vegetables

Drink plenty of water before meals vegetables will help lower your calorie intake 135 calories in the meal. If you can not have the time to manually do the fruit and vegetable drinks, you can drink water before meals. Government makes the stomach feel full and you eat less during meals, so you lose more weight.

5. Beer

Many people still believe that the cause of obesity status of the body is due to beer. This is especially accurate especially with the men frequently appeared in the drinking session. But here, the researchers found that beer is the drink to lose weight positive.

Alcohol is a factor of calories the body. The components of beer, it's a low concentration, so that low-calorie beer supply for the body.


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